About the author.

Jesse Anderson is a Data Engineer, Creative Engineer, and Managing Director of Big Data Institute.
He works with companies ranging from startups to Fortune 100 companies on Big Data. Jesse is that rare person who thoroughly understands both the management side and the technology side of Big Data projects. His work has included helping clients restructure teams and projects to get them back on track, as well as providing hands-on training on cutting edge technologies like Apache Kafka, Apache Hadoop, and Apache Spark. He has taught over 30,000 people the skills to become data engineers.
He is widely regarded as an expert in the field and for his novel teaching practices. Jesse is published on O’Reilly and Pragmatic Programmers. He has been covered in prestigious publications such as The Wall Street Journal, CNN, BBC, NPR, Engadget, and Wired.
You can view his blog where he often writes about big data and management topics.
Bonus BOOK Interview
As a special bonus, I did another interview with another company. This interview gives a long-term view of how they managed, hired, and organized their data teams. To get the interview, fill out the form below and I’ll email you the link.